Thursday, December 2, 2010


Yesterday I took a day trip to New York City with my aunt. We saw the show "Wicked." This was her 6th time seeing it and my first. Yes, it's her favorite. I found it absolutely stunning. I did think it was incredibly written, but every thing, every single thing about it was incredibly done.
There were many fabulous moments, but one example was right before intermission. Elphaba is singing: she's had a very challenging life so far as you might imagine one born with green skin would have a tough time in the world and even in her own family. But she recently discovered that her differences could also be of value and even though the rest of the world wants to oppress her, she will not be "brought down." She holds this incredible note as she rises above the stage on her broom. The only lights on the stage focus on her face and everything below her swirls in darkness and smoke. She's so focused, so precise, it's exquisitely, painfully beautiful. She's entirely present, all of her living in the moment.
This show was such an amazing example of what we can create. Whether we are dancers, musicians, writers, artists of all kinds, or bus drivers, police officers, cooks, and those of us at home doing laundry, making meals, when we fully give ourselves to something, focus every bit of our energy on the moment we're in, we can make everything stunning.
There was precision in every aspect of that production: set, score, script, costumes, make-up, lighting, choreography, performance... Absolutely stunning precision. And I came out thinking how amazing the world could be if we all did whatever it is we do with that kind of precision.

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