Saturday, December 31, 2011

Old and New or Two Events

Out with the old and in with the new... if it were only that simple, or is it?
If you're talking about sweaters, maybe. But let's say you're talking about family. Not so simple. Certainly a few old things are worth keeping - like family and others who have been important in your life.

One way I'm keeping the old is by participating in my alma mater's annual Young Writer's Conference. Do you know of a middle school girl interested in writing? This one day conference is a great way for her to explore her interest, develop her skills and make new friends. It's happening on Sat., Feb. 25th at Mercy High School in Baltimore, MD. I will be offering a poetry workshop again this year.

One old problem I wish would disappear is homelessness. I can't give everyone a home, but I am hosting an open-mic poetry event to benefit Baltimore's homeless and the shelters that serve them. Sat., January 21 at the Hamilton Arts Gallery at 5502 Harford Rd. Sign up starts at 7pm, event at 7:45. Bring 1-3 poems or songs to share (depending on how many sign up). Participants are asked to donate $5., and warm clothing will also be accepted for Baltimore's homeless.

I hope your new year is full of old things that are still worth celebrating and new things that end old problems. May we all know and share the generosity and joy that exists within us.


1 comment:

  1. Same to you. And more fraternizing in the new year, please.
