Monday, February 28, 2011


It comes in so many forms: a long-awaited lunch with a friend, a response from a potential employer, an email from a particular someone, a book from a publisher... I'm sure you could add to this list.
You might call it: anxiety, the hee-bee-gee-bees, excitement, or torture. Again, I'm sure you have your own name for such feelings.
I wish I could tell you I know what to do with such energy. So far my my actions have included: huff & puff (think Big Bad Wolf), vacuum, make lasagna, drink too much coffee and wine (although not at the same time), and when the neighbors off it - scotch. Oh yes, don't forget to plan events, exercise more than usual to dance music played louder than usual, plant seeds for vegetable garden, and check for emails and snail mail obsessively. And do laundry because once you finally have somewhere to go, you want as many costume options as possible.
So we're all waiting for something, right? Please. Tell me I'm not the only one. It's impossible to be the only one of anything, yes? Somewhere else on the planet, perhaps in the same country, maybe even in the same state, (oh, who am I kidding?) most likely on the same block, someone else is waiting for important things to happen. Maybe even a few of the things I listed. So my only advice to to myself, and maybe to you: Remember you're not the only one waiting, hoping, anticipating.

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